Plagiarism Policy
Policy Journal of Social Science Review (PJSSR) firmly upholds the highest standards of academic integrity and ethics. We are committed to publishing original research and scholarship, and we take a zero-tolerance stance against plagiarism in any form. This policy outlines our procedures for detecting, addressing, and preventing plagiarism in submitted manuscripts.
1. Definition of Plagiarism:
PJSSR defines plagiarism as the appropriation of another person's work, ideas, or data without proper attribution. This includes:
- Direct plagiarism: Copying text or data verbatim from another source without citation.
- Paraphrasing plagiarism: Rephrasing another person's work without proper citation.
- Self-plagiarism: Publishing previously published work without disclosure or proper citation.
- Mosaic plagiarism: Combining unattributed material from multiple sources.
- Ghostwriting: Submitting work as one's own when it was written by another person.
2. Detection of Plagiarism:
PJSSR uses plagiarism detection software to screen all submitted manuscripts. The software generates a similarity report that highlights potential instances of plagiarism. Editors and reviewers also actively assess manuscripts for plagiarism during the peer-review process.
3. Consequences of Plagiarism:
Manuscripts found to contain significant plagiarism will be rejected. In severe cases, the following actions may be taken:
- Notification of author's institution: PJSSR may inform the author's institution about the plagiarism incident.
- Publication of retraction notice: If plagiarism is discovered after publication, PJSSR may retract the article and publish a retraction notice.
- Blacklisting of authors: Authors who engage in deliberate plagiarism may be blacklisted from submitting future manuscripts to PJSSR.
4. Author Responsibilities:
Authors are responsible for ensuring the originality of their work. They must:
- Cite all sources properly and accurately, following a consistent style guide.
- Obtain permission to reproduce any copyrighted material.
- Clearly distinguish their own work from the work of others.
- Disclose any potential conflicts of interest.